

After a wet summer term the sun was finally out and once again the College Campus was awash with house colours for Legacy Sports Day. For those new to Legacy Sports Day it is a chance for pupils to take part in a range of sports that they might not usually get to play and whilst the focus on the morning events is fun there were certainly some competitive matches going on. The highlight of the morning was watching the girls rugby and football being played on the new pitch in the heart of the school.

Following many requests at School Council and directly to the games office this year there was a new event… Tug Of War! What better place to hold the event than in the morning break between events and what better area than the Pavilion pitch. The crowds flocked to the fences to cheer on their house. There was a boys and girls event and each house had to put one pupil from each year into their team. On the calls of ‘Pick up the rope’ the teams prepared themselves, the judge then called ‘Take the strain’ and the rope went tight before the final call of ‘PULL!’ after a gruelling 10 rounds for the boys and 10 rounds for the girls the final winners were Ivy Grove for the girls and Robinson for the boys.

Following lunch the school descended on the Berryfield for the traditional athletics part of sports day where every point counted and true grit was on display under the midday sun. Whilst the athletics part of the day is a chance for the fastest, strongest and fittest to aim for wins and possibly school records there is also a huge team element where pupils gave their all for their house even if they weren’t the best at an event just to make sure they scored for the house. As we have seen over the years houses can be split by just a couple of points and the same was true again this year. The top performances on the track came from Melody B in Year 10 with three wins and 3 school records, Georgia S McN with wins in Senior the 100m and 200m, Joe L for the Junior boys with a win and school record in the 100m and Max  (Senior) and Holly H-P (Junior) both winning the 800m and 1500m for the respective age groups. In the field there were impressive performances from Joe D (Junior) winning both Long Jump and Shot, Jemima T winning the junior High Jump and Discus, Conal N winning the Senior Javelin by 12 meters and Max S had a great competition in the High Jump beating the school record set last year by his older brother.

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